Request free SafeDE consultation

SafeDE provides FREE comprehensive onsite surveys for small and medium sized private sector establishments to identify potential workplace hazards, improve safety and health management systems, and assist in voluntary compliance with federal OSHA regulations.

Let's make your business stronger

On-site Safety and Health Consultation Service includes:

  • Review of job safety and health programs, or assistance in establishing a customized safety and health program if not already in place.
  • Workplace hazard identification and the appropriate corrective action recommendations to prevent a recurrence.
  • Conference with management on findings.
  • Written report of recommendations and agreements.
  • Training and assistance with implementing recommendations.
  • Workplace
    • Air Sampling
    • Industrial Noise Surveys
    • Other environmental monitoring
Support Types
  • Entire Workplace:  A consultation visit that provides a complete, safety and/or health hazard assessment of all working conditions, equipment, processes, and OSHA or State Plan mandated programs such as a Hearing Conservation Program at all locations of the establishment (wall-to-wall hazard assessment).
  • Partial Workplace:  A less complete safety and/or health hazard assessment than that provided by a full-service consultation visit. For instance, a limited-service consultation visit provides a focused assessment of a particular work process; OSHA or State Plan mandated program such as a Respiratory Protection Program; limited location within the establishment; specific hazard or type of hazard; or a focused assessment that is conducted of some aspects of one discipline (safety or health), or some aspects of both disciplines at an establishment (safety and health).

Contact Us

252 Chapman Rd. Suite 210
Christiana Building
Newark, DE 19702
Fax: 302-622-4104


Blue Hen Corporate Center
655 South Bay Road Suite 2H
Dover, DE 19901


252 Chapman Rd. Suite 210
Christiana Building
Newark, DE 19702