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Basic First Aid Tips for Workplace Safety
First aid is the immediate care provided for injuries or sudden illnesses immediately after they occur. The goal of first aid is to prevent the condition from worsening and promote recovery until medical services arrive. It can include actions such as cleaning minor cuts and burns, applying bandages, using over-the-counter medications, draining blisters, removing foreign objects from the eyes, and administering fluids to address heat-related stress.
Accidents can happen at the most unexpected times, so learning basic first aid is important in changing the outcome of injuries or medical emergencies. This guide provides essential first-aid tips based on OSHA guidelines to help you respond effectively and safely to workplace incidents.
10 Essential First Aid Tips for Workplace Safety
1. Get Medical Attention for All Injuries
Immediate treatment must be applied for any injury, no matter how minor it seems. Even the smallest wounds can lead to serious infections or complications if left untreated.
2. Control Bleeding with Pressure
To control bleeding, apply direct pressure on the wound with a clean cloth and elevate the body part if possible.
For severe bleeding, apply pressure to an artery (pressure point) to slow the blood flow to the wound. The body has two major pressure points:
- Brachial artery - found along the upper arm, between the underarm and the elbow
- Femoral artery - found along the femur, between the hip and the groin
Tourniquets should only be applied when severe external limb bleeding cannot be controlled with direct pressure.
Use wound packing gauze to control bleeding in situations where direct pressure or tourniquets are not viable. Wound packing can also be used alongside a tourniquet if necessary. This technique is especially helpful for deep wounds in areas like the groin or armpit, where tourniquets cannot be applied. However, wounds in the chest, abdomen, or pelvis should not be packed.
3. Treat Physical Shock Injuries Immediately
In the event of a sudden drop of blood flow resulting from blood loss or allergic reaction, prevent shock from worsening by keeping the victim lying still and flat on the ground. Keep their airway open, elevate their legs, control the bleeding of any wounds, and keep them warm. Do not give any food or drink to the affected person. This may also apply to circulatory failure caused by heat stroke, severe infection, poisoning, or burns.
4. Move the Injured Person Only When Necessary
It is not advisable to move an injured person because there is a risk of aggravating injuries in critical areas such as the spinal cord. Only move an injured person if there is danger in the immediate environment, such as a chemical leak, explosion, or fire. If the area of the accident is free from potential hazards, perform first aid on the spot and wait for professional medical services to arrive on the scene. In situations where moving the injured person is needed, drag them by their clothing or pull them to a blanket before relocating them to avoid worsening their injury.
5. Perform the Heimlich Maneuver on Choking Victims
If a worker cannot cough, speak, or breathe, perform the Heimlich maneuver by applying quick, upward thrusts to dislodge the obstruction.
6. Flush Burns Immediately with Water
For burns, especially thermal, chemical, or contact burns, run cool water over the affected area for at least 30 minutes. Do not remove stuck clothing or apply ointments. For electrical burns, the affected person should be far away from any power source before treatment.
7. Use Cool Treatment for Heat-Related Illnesses
Heat stroke, exhaustion, and other heat-related illnesses must be treated by relocating the affected worker to a cool, ventilated area and giving them water to drink. Use active cooling techniques such as ice baths, wet towels, and electric fans to prevent the victim from overheating while awaiting medical help.
8. Respond Appropriately to Poisoning
Remove the victim from the poison source and provide appropriate treatment based on the poison type.
- For skin contact, flush with water.
- For poisonous gases, move to fresh air
- For ingested poisons, remove them if possible and seek medical advice
9. Keep a First Aid Kit Checklist
OSHA Standard 1910.151 requires employers to provide first aid supplies. The following list specifies the minimum number and type of supplies required for first-aid kits in small worksites (two to three employees).
- One box of adhesive bandages or band-aids
- One blanket
- A pair of tweezers
- A pair of scissors
- One roll of adhesive tape
- Two triangular bandages
- Two 8 x 10-inch gauze pads
- Small gauze pads (4 x 4 inches minimum)
- Two elastic wraps
- One pack of gauze roller bandage (2 inches wide minimum)
- A wound cleaning agent (e.g. sealed moistened towelettes)
- Splint
- Latex gloves
- Resuscitation equipment (e.g. resuscitation bag, airway, pocket mask)
- Directions for requesting emergency assistance (e.g. hotlines, visual aids, written guides)
For larger or multiple operations at the same location, additional first-aid kits or increased quantities of supplies should be provided.
10. Report All Injuries to Your Supervisor
Document every incidence of injury and report it to your supervisor. This ensures that any unsafe conditions or practices that may have contributed to the incident can be investigated and addressed.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the primary goals of first aid in the workplace?
First aid techniques are primarily used to preserve life, prevent injuries from worsening, and help injured persons recover. Effective first aid can stabilize an injured person until professional medical help is available.
What are the steps to follow in case of an injury or environmental emergency?
- Assess the scene and ensure safety.
- Call for emergency help if needed.
- Provide appropriate first aid based on the situation.
- Monitor the injured person until help arrives.
How can providing first aid care be hazardous for the person providing assistance?
Providing first aid can be hazardous if the rescuer is exposed to potential dangers like infectious diseases, hazardous materials, or unsafe environments. Always ensure your safety first and use protective gear if available.
What are the OSHA first aid kit requirements for 2020?
A first aid kit should include gauze pads, large gauze pads, adhesive bandages, a gauze roller bandage, triangular bandages, wound cleaning agents, scissors, a blanket, tweezers, a splint, adhesive tape, elastic wraps, latex gloves, resuscitation equipment, and an emergency assistance manual.
How do you properly assess the scene and move an injured person in the workplace?
- Ensure the scene for potential dangers before approaching to help. Be cautious of water if the injury involves an electric shock, and maintain your distance if the trauma is the result of a violent situation.
- Refrain from moving an injured person unless there is a risk of fire, explosion, or similar hazard in the accident area.
- If you must move the victim, carefully pull them by the clothing around the neck or shoulder area.
- If possible, pull the affected person onto a large cloth or blanket and then drag that blanket to a safe area.
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