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Mastering First Aid: Steps for Effective Injury Assessment

When it comes to first aid, a few seconds can make a world of difference. The way you respond to a possible injury can significantly impact the outcomes that follow. Effective injury assessment is key to keeping yourself and your colleagues safe on the job.

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Crane Hand Signals: Guide to OSHA-Compliant Safety

Cranes and other lifting machinery facilitate the safe and efficient transportation of large and heavy loads. However, the disadvantage of using heavy equipment is the loud noise they produce, creating communication barriers at the work site.
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ABCs of Fall Arrest Systems: Components and Safety Tips

Falls are the leading cause of work-related deaths in the construction industry. In order to curb the rising number of fatalities resulting from this type of accident, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) continue to run fall prevention campaigns to keep workers and employers informed about the typical risks of falling in construction. 

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Back Safety Tips: Prevent Injuries in the Workplace

Back injuries are common among workers from various industries including nursing, retail, and manual labor. In 2016, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 38.5% of all musculoskeletal issues experienced by employees at work were back-related.

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5 Essential Workplace Fire Safety Tips to Prevent Fires

Only you can prevent workplace fires. Well, not necessarily – your employees can help, too. However, you'll need to provide the right resources to ensure that your team can work together to prevent and manage fires. Workplace fires threaten your employees’ safety, damage your property or product, and slow things down significantly.

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10 Electrical Safety Precautions for Injury Prevention

Electrical equipment may be common, but it can also be dangerous. Despite this, electrical devices and equipment can be found in most homes, offices, and workplaces. While most people may not directly work with electricity, following basic safety precautions can keep you and others safe across the board.

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The 5 Rules of Effective Incident Reporting

When an injury or accident happens on the job, employers and some employees are legally required to report it. But effective incident reporting can be easier said than done, especially if you’re new to the process. Below, we’ve compiled five of the most important rules to consider when creating incident reports.

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Firework Safety

It isn't summer without Fourth of July festivities and firework displays! However, it's important to remember that summer also increases emergency room visits. By following simple safety tips and guidelines, you can ensure that your summer remains accident-free. 

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Committed to Safety: What is It & Why It Matters

Being committed to safety is invaluable. There’s no way to replace proper safety protocols, and there’s no way to avoid needing them. Practicing safety not only helps keep employees safe but also ensures a business runs as intended.

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