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Preventing Arc Flash Injuries: Safety Tips & Prevention

Working with electricity isn’t something to fear, but it can come with risks. One of the most significant examples for employees who use electrical equipment is an arc flash injury or arc flash incident. These often occur due to human error, but they can also be a product of natural circumstances.

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How Forklift Stability & Center of Gravity Connected?

Forklifts are essential pieces of equipment in various industries, including distribution centers, manufacturing, construction, and retail. One crucial aspect of operating a forklift safely is understanding the relationship between forklift stability and its center of gravity.

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Understanding DART Rate: Calculation, Formula & Meaning

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) collects data about work-related injuries and illnesses from employers nationwide. This information allows OSHA to evaluate safety norms and take action against non-compliant organizations. 

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GHS Label Requirements for Shipping: Tips and Guidelines

Ever notice how some shipping containers carry 'Warning” labels or symbols such as large exclamation points? This is part of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), an international standardized approach to classifying substances based on physical, health, and environmental hazards. 

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Winter Driving 101: 10 Tips for Employees for Road Safety

As temperatures drop, the risk of road safety hazards goes up. Winter weather – ice, sleet, snow – makes driving a lot more difficult than usual. It’s important to plan for this change in driving conditions, especially if you’re driving to, from, or at the workplace. You can avoid most safety risks with a little extra preparation. 

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Workplace Safety Tips: Protect Yourself with PPE and More

Workplace safety is a significant matter in any business operation. Safety should be the top priority, no matter what industry it is in or the size of its workforce. Employees want to feel safe. And certainly, they have the right to work in a hazard-free environment.

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Tips for Selecting the Right Hard Hat for Electrical Work

Electrical injuries are the fourth-leading cause of workplace-related traumatic death. In the United States alone, there are approximately 1,000 annual deaths attributed to electrical injuries, with about 400 related to high-voltage incidents. 

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The Fatal Four: The Leading Causes of Death in Construction

Construction workers face many hazards in their day-to-day work. As a matter of fact, this line of work had the second-highest number of work-related fatalities in 2021. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the construction industry recorded a total of 951 fatalities this year alone. 

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Preventing Ergonomic Injuries: Tips and Strategies

Ergonomic injuries are prevalent in jobs that involve long periods of sitting, repetitive tasks, and the use of poorly designed equipment. A workplace environment that inadvertently encourages bad posture, fatigue, and awkward movements may lead to both acute and chronic ergonomic injuries over time.

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