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Smarter workplaces are safer workplaces. SafeDE is your resource for OSHA news, regulation changes, recalls, and everything to keep your business safe.
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Winter Driving 101: 10 Tips for Employees for Road Safety

As temperatures drop, the risk of road safety hazards goes up. Reduce your risk of accidents and navigate the road confidently by implementing these key winter driving safety tips for employees.
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Workplace Safety Tips: Protect Yourself with PPE and More

Workplace safety is a significant matter in any business operation. Safety should be the top priorit.
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Tips for Selecting the Right Hard Hat for Electrical Work

Electrical injuries are the fourth-leading cause of workplace-related traumatic death. In the United.
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The Fatal Four: The Leading Causes of Death in Construction

Construction workers face many hazards in their day-to-day work. As a matter of fact, this line of w.
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Preventing Ergonomic Injuries: Tips and Strategies

Ergonomic injuries are prevalent in jobs that involve long periods of sitting, repetitive tasks, and.
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Mastering First Aid: Steps for Effective Injury Assessment

When it comes to first aid, a few seconds can make a world of difference. The way you respond to a p.
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Crane Hand Signals: Guide to OSHA-Compliant Safety

Cranes and other lifting machinery facilitate the safe and efficient transportation of large and hea.
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ABCs of Fall Arrest Systems: Components and Safety Tips

Personal Fall Arrest Systems: Components and Safety Tips Falls are the leading cause of work-related.
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Back Safety Tips: Prevent Injuries in the Workplace

Back injuries are common among workers from various industries including nursing, retail, and manual.
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